Michael Kettner – Pastel art


You can find my past, present and future exhibitions here.

Lehmhaus Galerie

Since October 2021, my paintings have been hanging for sale in the small Lehmhaus Gallery in the heart of Zwenkau. Zwenkau is located approximately 15 km from the city center of Leipzig in Germany. I mainly sell landscapes there. The friendly owner Catherine Scholz welcomes every interested visitor. The gallery is furnished with great attention to detail. Feel free to come by!

Kulturkino Zwenkau

From September 2021 to the beginning of February 2022, a total of 51 pastel paintings by me were hung for sale in the foyer (left and right side wings) of the Kulturkino Zwenkau. All pictures could be viewed during regular opening hours. These were pictures about Zwenkau but also other landscapes and still lifes. The dignified cinema in the heart of Zwenkau is run by the townspeople with great attention to detail. There is always a colorful program.